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Guan Yin Oracle Fortune Telling - 100 Lots Interpretation - Access Chinese. Access the 100 Divine Guan Yin Lots Interpretation and Meaning. How to ask for Help from Guanyin Goddess of Mercy? First make a wish or ask Guanyin for something in your heart. Then click on the image. The fortune begins with the "Translation from the Chinese ancient text" of your divination slip.. 100 Guan Yin Lot Explained For Your Life - Dougles Chan. Guan Yin Lot is a divination practice that involves seeking guidance and profound insights from Guan Yin, a deity honored in East Asian Buddhism as the embodiment of compassion and kindness. This is a popular method of fortune-telling among Chinese Buddhists and Taoists, who believe that Guan Yin can grant them wisdom, compassion, and guidance. guan yin lot. BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺 — 观音灵签. Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva of Great Compassion. 千处祈求千处应 苦海常作度人舟 南无 大慈大悲 救苦救难 广大灵感 观世音菩萨. Online Divination Lot 线上求签 What is the Goddess of Mercy Divine Lot? guan yin lot. Lot 11 To Lot 20 Of 100 Guan Yi Lot Divination (Kuan Yin Lot . guan yin lot. by Admin - Qimen April 23, 2023 This page provides a comprehensive overview of the next 10 Guan Yin lot Divination (Kuan Yin Lot, Aka as Kwan Yin Lot), starting with Lot 11 and continuing through Lot 20. All 100 Guan Yin lot have been brought here. guan yin lot. Guan Yin Lot 1 plus Celestial Meanings from the Book - Access Chinese. The 15 Celestial Meanings Guanyin Statue Shop on AliExpress The Celestial Meanings present the interpretation for this lot of 15 different aspects of your life from the Guan Yins Fortune Teller Book of Divination. guan yin lot. Your Guan Yin Lot for Today - Access Chinese. Your Guanyin Lot for Today, the Your Lot number is: 29 is Average Your Guan Yin Lot for Today Your Free Guanyin Lot for Today! Plus the 100 Divine Lots Interpretation. Here is your Guan Yin Oracle for Today 诗曰 [ 詩曰 ] The poem into Chinese 宝剑出匣耀光明 在匣全然不惹尘 今得贵人携出现 有威有势众人钦 The global interpretation for this lot Average 1.. Guan Yin Lot Interpretation - Ding Qian Feng Shui Centre. Guan Yin Lot Interpretation Lot 1 At the time the world began, all things were preordained. A favorable day brings each fruit ripeness. This is not uncommon that such a happy lot is drawn. By loyal and upright, the king will proclaim guan yin lot. This lot refers to the creation of the world guan yin lot. It portrays prosperity in all things.. Guan Yin Lot 11 plus Celestial Meanings from the Book - Access Chinese. Guanyin Statue Shop on AliExpress This page was last updated 11/17/2023 01:32:13 The Celestial Meanings present the interpretation for this lot of 15 different aspects of your life from the Guan Yins Fortune Teller Book of Divination.. Your Guanyin Oracle selected Lot Number is 1 - Access Chinese. Guanyin Statue Your hand-picked or randomly selected fortune lot is Lot 1. The global interpretation for this lot is Good. Your Guanyin Oracle selected Lot Number is 8 - Access Chinese guan yin lot. Guan Yin Oracle guan yin lot. Guan Yin Fortune Telling Kwan Yin 100 Lots. Your Guanyin Oracle. Get Your Lot. Golden Dragon. Chinese Tarot Readings 22 Major Arcana Cards. Free Golden Tarot Readings! Tarot Reading. Gong Hee . Gong Hee Fot Choy Fortune Telling Oracles. Lot 21 To Lot 30 Of 100 Guan Yi Explanation - Dougles Chan. April 23, 2023 Follow us on Social Media facebook instagram youtube linkedin tiktok The text offers an in-depth summary of the following 10 Guan Yin lots, beginning with Lot 21 and going all the way to Lot 30. Each of the 100 Guan Yin Lot has been put here. Guan Yin Lot 21 Guan Yin Lot 22 Guan Yin Lot 23 Guan Yin Lot 24 Guan Yin Lot 25. Lot 81 To Lot 90 Of 100 Guan Yi Explanation - Dougles Chan. by Admin - Qimen April 23, 2023 Follow us on Social Media facebook instagram youtube linkedin tiktok Lots 81-90 have been thoroughly covered on this page. The 100 Guan Yin Lot is discussed in further detail in the attached section guan yin lot. Guan Yin Lot 81 Guan Yin Lot 82 Guan Yin Lot 83 Guan Yin Lot 84 Guan Yin Lot 85 Guan Yin Lot 86 Guan Yin Lot 87. Lot 1 - Just Simply Awesome. It signifies abundance and fortune in all matters. 解曰 / Interpretation 急速兆速 年未值时 观音降笔 先报君知 You are ready, the conditions are favorable, seize the opportunities, prosperity and success will be yours as the Goddess Guan Yin has indicated. 仙机 / Celestial Message 家宅 Household: 祈福 Pray for blessings 自身 Self: 秋冬大利 Very profitable in Autumn & Winter. Lot 41 To Lot 50 Of 100 Guan Yi Explanation - Dougles Chan. April 23, 2023 Follow us on Social Media facebook instagram youtube linkedin tiktok The writing goes into depth about the next ten Guan Yin lots, starting with Lot 41 and ending with Lot 50. Each of the 100 Guan Yin Lot has been placed here guan yin lot. Guan Yin Lot 41 Guan Yin Lot 42 Guan Yin Lot 43 Guan Yin Lot 44 Guan Yin Lot 45 Guan Yin Lot 46. Lot 31 To Lot 40 Of 100 Guan Yi Explanation | Qi Men Dun Jia Teacher .. April 23, 2023 Follow us on Social Media facebook instagram youtube linkedin tiktok The text gives a detailed description of the next 10 Guan Yin lots, starting with Lot 31 and ending with Lot 40. Here is where each of the 100 Guan Yin lot has been put. Guan Yin Lot 31 Guan Yin Lot 32 Guan Yin Lot 33 Guan Yin Lot 34 Guan Yin Lot 35 Guan Yin Lot 36. Lot 91 To Lot 100 Of Guan Yi Explanation - Dougles Chan. April 23, 2023 Follow us on Social Media instagram youtube linkedin tiktok The remaining 10 lots of 100 Guan Yin will each have their whole story told here. On this page, you will be able to see all 100 Guan Yin Lot. Guan Yin Lot 91 Guan Yin Lot 92 Guan Yin Lot 93 Guan Yin Lot 94 Guan Yin Lot 95 Guan Yin Lot 96 Guan Yin Lot 97 Guan Yin Lot 98. This Guan Yin Lot Divination Will Blow Your Mind - Medium. The Guanyin lot is a form of divination that originated in China and is based on the teachings of Guanyin, the Buddhist goddess of compassion. It involves using a set of 100 wooden sticks or.. Lot 58 - Just Simply Awesome. 第五十八签/Lot 58 guan yin lot. Do not pursue other trades in foreign soil. For anything else will have no place guan yin lot. 守旧待时之象。 guan yin lot. 凡事守旧则吉也。. Stay where you are and wait. Your patience will be well rewarded in time to come guan yin lot. You should stop when you need to. Be contented with your lot, there is no better position to occupy.. Main altar table hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy. Find the perfect main altar table stock photo, image, vector, illustration or 360 image. Available for both RF and RM licensing. guan yin lot. Start - Way of Saint James in Galicia: official web guan yin lot. The Way of Saint James has been, and keeps on being, definitely, the most ancient route, more busy and more celebrated of the old continent. Santiago also has shared with them the attraction of the hikers and walkers of all time but, besides, has created a route, has done a Way. To Santiago and to Galicia can arrive of a lot of ways. But the best form to come is by the WAY OF SAINT JAMES.. Discovering Portugal and Spains Celtic heritage by train - Lonely Planet. To celebrate this shared heritage, Comboios de Portugal (Portugals national train service, known as CP) and Renfe (Spains equivalent) have joined forces on the Linha Celta/Tren Celta, a train line that links Porto, in Portugal, and Vigo, in Spain. Allured, I hopped on board, extending my itinerary all the way to A Coruña, close to Iberia .. Camino de Santiago: how to choose a route - Lonely Planet. A route for everyone guan yin lot. The Portuguese Way, second-busiest of the Caminos de Santiago, runs more than 600km (373mi) from Lisbon to Santiago (about 3½ weeks), but the most popular starting points are the enticing city of Porto in northern Portugal (some 240km/149mi from Santiago, about 10 days) and Tui, where the route enters Spain (115km/71mi).. Guan Yin Lot 84 plus Celestial Meanings from the Book - Access Chinese. The 15 Celestial Meanings Guanyin Statue Shop on AliExpress This page was last updated 11/20/2023 15:39:32 The Celestial Meanings present the interpretation for this lot of 15 different aspects of your life from the Guan Yins Fortune Teller Book of Divination.. Kuan Shih Yin - Predictions Online guan yin lot. By praying at 9 different Tai Shui temples may help to remove blockages to your good luck and good fate and fortune! made by devotees since 2008. kuanshihyin.net is a not-for-profit Fortune Slip Prediction and Information Service. It is supported entirely by donations. Your donations helps us to maintain kuanshihyin.net for as long as possible.. Guan Yin Lot 69 plus Celestial Meanings from the Book - Access Chinese. 2. The Meaning guan yin lot. The plum tree is restored to its prestige as the king of flowers. You must not lose patience because things will turn out well for you in the end guan yin lot. Both of you and your family will not be completely safe guan yin lot. You must put your trust in god. Caution is necessary in your pursuit for wealth.. Lot 51 To Lot 60 Of 100 Guan Yi Explanation - Dougles Chan. Guan Yin Lot 55. Medium. Lot Verse: A good father instills virtue in his children. Heaven will provide for all of their wants and needs. Hunger is appeased, thirst is slaked, and the weary may rest. The familys older members are happy and content. The Meaning: Put the bamboo in a way that leads to a stream.. Lot 79 - Just Simply Awesome. 第七十九签/Lot 79. 典故 /Allegory 暗扶倒铜旗 Defeated the Copper Flag Formation from within. Safe and sound you are but yet the promise is not filled. Thou shalt not treat God so carelessly. 信实莫信虚之象。. 凡事守旧之兆也。. Believe what is real and ignore what is false

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. It is better to let things remain as is.. Guan Yin - Bodhisattva/ Goddess of Compassion - Nations Online Project. Guan Yin (in Chinese: 觀音, pinyin guānyīn; full name: 觀世音 Guan Shi Yin; in Thai: กวนอิม) Chinese Bodhisattva/ Goddess of Compassion, Mercy and Kindness is considered to be a mother-goddess and patron of seamen. THE GODDESS NAME guan yin lot. The name Guan Yin also spelt Guan Yim, Kuan Yim, Kwan Im, or Kuan Yin, is a short form for .. Lot 74 - Just Simply Awesome guan yin lot. 第七十四签/Lot 74. 典故 /Allegory 秦败擒三帅 Qin Mugong defeated and his three generals captured. Tried as it may, it cannot be free. North, South, East, West, all the ways are blocked. This Lot foretells an endless regret. 似鹄投笼之象。.. Your Guanyin Oracle selected Lot Number is 44 - Access Chinese. Guan Yin Oracle guan yin lot. Guan Yin Fortune Telling Kwan Yin 100 Lots guan yin lot. Your Guanyin Oracle. Get Your Lot. Golden Dragon. Chinese Tarot Readings 22 Major Arcana Cards. Free Golden Tarot Readings! Tarot Reading. Gong Hee . Gong Hee Fot Choy Fortune Telling Oracles. Guan Shi Yin and the ten great protections of the Goddess of Mercy . guan yin lot. Lotus Sutra — 10 Types of Protection Ming dynasty Guan Yin statue, photo courtesy of Antiquezen.com. Although Avalokiteshvara is in many, many prominent sutras, it is in chapter 25 of the Lotus Sutra that we learn of the ten salvations (protections or deliverances) of Kuan Yin.[Full Chapter 25 of Lotus Sutra at end of this feature.] guan yin lot. Guan Yin Lot 22 plus Celestial Meanings from the Book. A timely rain is worth its weight in gold. 2. The Meaning. This lot describes rain falling after a long drought. Whenever you are in difficulty, someone will come to your rescue. Youll reap a better crop of grain and silk because good fortune is knocking at your door guan yin lot. For the sick, treatment is already prepared.. Guan Yin Lot 90 plus Celestial Meanings from the Book. Your Lot number is: 90: Your slip from the Guan Yins Fortune Teller Book of Divination guan yin lot. 诗曰 [ 詩曰 ] The poem into Chinese guan yin lot. 忽言一信向天飞 泰山宝贝满船归 若问路途成好事 前头仍有贵人推 guan yin lot. The global interpretation for this lot Good: 1. Translation from the ancient Chinese text guan yin lot. A special message drops from the sky.

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. Guan Yin Lot 57 plus Celestial Meanings from the Book - Access Chinese. The Meaning. This lot describes an infant under the devoted care and protection of the mother, It illustrates that all is well looked after so you are completely free from worries guan yin lot. You personally are safe but your family is not. Trading will turn out profitable for you


Matrimony will be successful but only a daughter will be born. guan yin lot. Guan Yin Lot 29 plus Celestial Meanings from the Book - Access Chinese. A man of noble rank takes hold of it now


Such chivalry is envied by all men. 2 guan yin lot. The Meaning guan yin lot. This depicts a sacred sword being drawn from its sheath and signifies a show of pomp and grandeur of gallantry and bravery, When the sacred sword is drawn, its fame will spread far and wide. And the nobleman who bears this sword will be met with favor .. Lot 71 To Lot 80 Of 100 Guan Yi Explanation - Dougles Chan. Guan Yin Lot 71 guan yin lot. Medium. Lot Verse: Ride like a fast horse through all paths. As a lady married to two husbands, Or as a bow with two arrows, One must try to bring all parties together. The Meaning: Because a single bow is equipped with two arrows in this situation, disagreement is unavoidable. guan yin lot. Lot 96 - Just Simply Awesome guan yin lot. 第九十六签/Lot 96. In all directions, it glows exquisitely guan yin lot

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. Heaven will reward your charity with fortune. 福德现身之象。. 凡事大吉利也。 guan yin lot. The signs of fortune and prosperity, everything will go very well. Your share of fortune is much the same as others. Do not fret as this is all preordained. guan yin lot. Guan Yin Oracle: the 100 divine lots. Lot 82 - Access Chinese

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. 2. The Meaning. This lot describes the scene in which the water lily survives the flames of the fire and shows that you can reach safety through very hazardous conditions guan yin lot. Your family is unsafe and you must watch out for yourself. All efforts to acquire wealth will be in vain as your rivals are causing damage to your business.. Lot 13 - Just Simply Awesome. 第十三签/Lot 13. 回到灵签百首/Back to 100 Lots. 吉凶/Auspice 中 Neutral. 宫位/House 寅 Yin(Tiger) 典故/Allegory 罗通拜帅 Luo Tong made a general. 签文/Lot Verse 自小生在富贵家 眼前万物总奢华 蒙君赐紫金腰带 四海声名定可夸 You were born to a wealthy family, Into a life of riches and prestige.. Lot 4 - Just Simply Awesome. 第四签/Lot 4. The couple, separated, unites once more guan yin lot. For their off-springs, more riches and joy be had. 古镜重圆之象。. 凡事劳心有贵也。 guan yin lot. A broken mirror is pieced together guan yin lot. All efforts to make up for past mistakes, although tedious and laborious, will be fruitful. Sift the sands to find the gold. Ride the dragon to trample .. How To Solve Problems By Using Guan Yin Lot - Medium. The Guan Yin Lot is a powerful omen that can be used to learn more about many of the worlds biggest problems. 1. The Guanyin Lots History and Context. guan yin lot. Guan Yin Lot 5 plus Celestial Meanings from the Book. With pain and hardship you must fight your way through guan yin lot. Then all of a sudden you meet an old friend who brings you up to the blue sky of heaven. 2. The Meaning guan yin lot. A man digs the field in the hope of finding water. After mush hardship, you will find that the thing you want can be obtained with ease.. Lot 83 - Just Simply Awesome. 第八十三签/Lot 83. 回到灵签百首/Back to 100 Lots. 吉凶/Auspice 中 Neutral guan yin lot. 宫位/House 未 Wei(Goat) 典故/Allegory 李渊登位 Li Yuan ascended the throne. 签文/Lot Verse 譬若初三四五缺 半无半有未圆全 等待十五良宵夜 到处光明到处圆 On the third, fourth, fifth, a crescent, Half present and sometimes .. Lot 89 - Just Simply Awesome. 第八十九签/Lot 89. Plans and schemes are faring well guan yin lot. You will receive jewels and treasures. 石藏珍宝之象。. 凡事称心大吉也。. Gems hidden in the stones, everything is auspicious and according to your hearts desires guan yin lot. Like jade hidden in a stone, someone will guide you to fulfill your destiny. You will be happy and delighted.. Lot 68 - Just Simply Awesome. 第六十八签/Lot 68. Auspices and great fortune for the kind and generous guan yin lot. And the sick will recover with miracles. 门庭吉庆之象。. 凡事顺遂也。 guan yin lot. (另:春梦百花之象。. 凡事遇贵人大吉也。 guan yin lot. ). Happy celebrations at ones gate, everything is going well. guan yin lot. Lot 53 - Just Simply Awesome. 第五十三签/Lot 53 guan yin lot. The dragons song will blend with the tigers roar. Its time for one to gather fame once more guan yin lot. 龙吟虎啸之象。. 凡事顺意有望也。. When the dragon calls or the tiger roars, there is hope that things will proceed as planned. - The call of the dragon and roar of the tiger may refer to cries of victory .. Lot 5 - Just Simply Awesome. 第五签/Lot 5 guan yin lot. With much hard work, fresh water one seeks. Takes your hand, and together you head up to the blue sky. 锥地求泉之象。 guan yin lot. 凡事先难后易也。. A man digs deep into the grounds trying to find water. After working so hard, he then realizes that success can actually be obtained with ease. What you seek can be found in the .. Your Guanyin Oracle selected Lot Number is 59 - Access Chinese. Guan Yin Oracle. Guan Yin Fortune Telling Kwan Yin 100 Lots. Your Guanyin Oracle guan yin lot. Get Your Lot guan yin lot. Golden Dragon. Chinese Tarot Readings 22 Major Arcana Cards. Free Golden Tarot Readings! Tarot Reading

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. Gong Hee . Gong Hee Fot Choy Fortune Telling Oracles. Your Guanyin Oracle selected Lot Number is 43 - Access Chinese. 2. The Meaning. This lot describes the phenomenon of heaven and earth working in harmony. Everything is favorable and there is no threat of danger guan yin lot. What you have done or plan to do will be blessed with good luck and fortune. Gods blessing and human virtue will give you your deserved reward and bring you success.. Guan Yin Lot 39 plus Celestial Meanings from the Book - Access Chinese. Your Lot number is: 39: Your slip from the Guan Yins Fortune Teller Book of Divination. 诗曰 [ 詩曰 ] The poem into Chinese guan yin lot

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. 天边消息实难思 切莫多心望强求 若把石头磨作镜 曾知枉费己功夫 guan yin lot. The global interpretation for this lot Bad: 1 guan yin lot. Translation from the ancient Chinese text guan yin lot. The message is sent from a distant .. Lot 81 - Just Simply Awesome. 第八十一签/Lot 81. 回到灵签百首/Back to 100 Lots. 吉凶/Auspice 上 Auspicious. 宫位/House 未 Wei(Goat) 典故/Allegory 风送滕王阁 The wind carried one to the Pavilion of the Victorious King guan yin lot. 签文/Lot Verse 梧桐叶落秋将暮 行客归程似云飞 谢得天公高着力 顺风船载珍宝归 As autumn leaves fell from .. Lot 54 - Just Simply Awesome. 第五十四签/Lot 54. Treasures in the dream, gone when one is sober. A life as long as the southern mountains may mean a life long spent on the hoe. Look elsewhere for support and help. - 南山- 寿命很长。. Reference to long life, i.e. living a life as long as that of the southern mountains. 梦中得宝之象。.. Guan Yin Lot 58 plus Celestial Meanings from the Book - Access Chinese. Your Lot number is: 58: Your slip from the Guan Yins Fortune Teller Book of Divination guan yin lot. 诗曰 [ 詩曰 ] The poem into Chinese. 直言说话君须记 莫在他乡求别艺 切须守己旧生涯 除是其余都不利. The global interpretation for this lot Average: 1. Translation from the ancient Chinese text. Lot 87 - Just Simply Awesome. 第八十七签/Lot 87. One is barely half-way up the mountains when the sun begins to set. And refuge on earth will soon be given. 淘沙见金人处险境之象。. 凡事有贵人之兆也。. Sifts the sand to find gold, one caught in a dangerous situation. A good omen where you can expect help from someone of influence.. Lot 95 - Just Simply Awesome guan yin lot. 第九十五签/Lot 95. Rome was not built in a day. Let no woman nor wine buries your way. Money and fortune will soon be called. 志气功名之象。. 凡事守常大吉也。. Work hard to fulfill your ambitions. Maintain things as-is and everything will turn out very well. Determine your goals, keep at it.. Guan Yin Lot 30 plus Celestial Meanings from the Book. Your Lot number is: 30: Your slip from the Guan Yins Fortune Teller Book of Divination. 诗曰 [ 詩曰 ] The poem into Chinese. 劝君切莫向他求 似鹤飞来暗箭投 若去采薪蛇在草 恐遭毒口也忧愁. The global interpretation for this lot Average: 1 guan yin lot. Translation from the ancient Chinese text guan yin lot. Lot 36 - Just Simply Awesome. 第三十六签/Lot 36. Riches and resources are there for your picking. Roaming freely among mountains and caves. 猿猴脱锁之象。. 凡事先难后易也。

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. A monkey escaped from its chain. Things will get easier once you have overcome the difficulties and hardships. Get rid of your worries and troubles. Broaden your mind.. Lot 90 - Just Simply Awesome. 第九十签/Lot 90. And ships return with treasures pile high as mountains. Then be told that help from someone will push you forth. 功名成就之象。. 凡事宜进大吉也。. You will have both achievements and fame. You should continue to go forward and do not hesitate. If you are seeking fame and fortune, go ahead where you will find .. Lot 45 - Just Simply Awesome guan yin lot. 第四十五签/Lot 45. 典故 /Allegory 仁宗认母 Emperor Renzhong acknowledged his mother. The tender and kind will overcome the strong and violent guan yin lot. Kind merits will be repaid with great prosperity for the family. Your thirst with be quenched by precious wines.. Your Guanyin Oracle selected Lot Number is 49 - Access Chinese. Guan Yin Oracle guan yin lot

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. Guan Yin Fortune Telling Kwan Yin 100 Lots. Your Guanyin Oracle. Get Your Lot. Golden Dragon. Chinese Tarot Readings 22 Major Arcana Cards. Free Golden Tarot Readings! Tarot Reading. Gong Hee . Gong Hee Fot Choy Fortune Telling Oracles. Lot 97 - Just Simply Awesome guan yin lot. 第九十七签/Lot 97. Reflect in the mirror like a bed of many flowers. Only to find that these are only virtual and unreal. 当风点烛之象。 guan yin lot. 凡事虚名不利也。

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. As a lighted candle flickers in the wind, it is not good to aim for an empty title. It is predestined how wealth is distributed and who will be poor.. Lot 100 - Just Simply Awesome. This is the last divine lot. You have been informed of what you need to know. Trust in the old and do not move. Wait patiently and bide your time. 仙机 /Celestial Message guan yin lot. 此是满签 诸事不利 大作佛力 可保平安. This Lot completes the Oracle. Things are not favorable guan yin lot. Listen to the Goddess and you may receive divine protection.. Divination lot from Guan Ying Temple at Bugis - Part 2. Today, this afternoon, I draw lots to ask about my overseas Taiwan trip from 22nd to 28th Aug. I am really not sure why I did that but I was feeling extremely distressed and sad, due to a very toxic environment at home. I draw the first lot, which is number 7, which shocked me. Following that, I draw a second lot, which is number 65.. Lot 69 - Just Simply Awesome. 第六十九签/Lot 69. A plum tree on a hill in a winters day. Its leaves have fallen, its twigs have withered, yet it stands. Its floral majesty would once again be restored. 梅花占魁之象。. 凡事宜迟则吉也。 guan yin lot. The plum tree blooms in full majesty guan yin lot. Things may take a while to come to fruition but it will bode well.. Guan Yin Lot 36 plus Celestial Meanings from the Book - Access Chinese. Your Lot number is: 36: Your slip from the Guan Yins Fortune Teller Book of Divination. 诗曰 [ 詩曰 ] The poem into Chinese. 眼前病讼不须忧 宝地资财尽可求 恰似猿猴金锁脱 自归山洞去来悠. The global interpretation for this lot Average: 1. Translation from the ancient Chinese text. Lot 34 - Just Simply Awesome. 第三十四签/Lot 34. Speak and act with honesty and sincerity

. As bright as the rays of the Sun will be guan yin lot. 红日当空正照之象。. 凡事遂意也。 guan yin lot. The Sun shines brightly in the middle of the day. Everything will be as you wish. Do not burden the heart needlessly. It is clear and tranquil like waters in autumn.


Lot 27 - Just Simply Awesome. 第二十七签/Lot 27. You consider much but fear to do much. Then a place steady as a rock you may find. 屋好墙壁之象。 guan yin lot. 凡事稳当无险也。. A good house with strong walls, everything will be stable with minimum risk or danger. Replace old with new. guan yin lot. Guan Yin Lot 61 plus Celestial Meanings from the Book - Access Chinese. Your Lot number is: 61: Your slip from the Guan Yins Fortune Teller Book of Divination. 诗曰 [ 詩曰 ] The poem into Chinese. 日落吟诗月下歌 逢场作戏笑呵呵 相逢会遇难藏避 唱彩齐唱连理罗 guan yin lot. The global interpretation for this lot Average: 1. Translation from the ancient Chinese text guan yin lot. Lot 21 - Just Simply Awesome. 第二十一签/Lot 21. 回到灵签百首/Back to 100 Lots. 吉凶/Auspice 上 Auspicious. 宫位/House 辰 Chen(Dragon) 典故/Allegory 李旦龙凤配 A predestined match. 签文/Lot Verse 阴阳道合总由天 女嫁男婚喜偎然 但见龙蛇相会合 熊罴入梦乐团圆 Heaven decrees how Yin and Yang harmonizes, Happy is the union of .. Lot 61 - Just Simply Awesome. 第六十一签/Lot 61. 回到灵签百首/Back to 100 Lots. 吉凶/Auspice 中 Neutral. 宫位/House 寅 Yin(Tiger) 典故/Allegory 苏小妹难夫 Su Xiaomeis battles of wits with the husband. 签文/Lot Verse 日落吟诗月下歌 逢场作戏笑呵呵 相逢会遇难藏避 唱彩齐唱连理罗 Recite poems in the days, sing songs at nights,. Guan Yin Lot 79 plus Celestial Meanings from the Book. Your Lot number is: 79: Your slip from the Guan Yins Fortune Teller Book of Divination. 诗曰 [ 詩曰 ] The poem into Chinese guan yin lot. 虚空结愿保平安 保得身安愿不还 莫忘神圣宜还了 此知神语莫轻慢. The global interpretation for this lot Average: 1. Translation from the ancient Chinese text. A false vow is made before god.. Lot 48 - Just Simply Awesome. 第四十八签/Lot 48. Come Autumn, the partridge will transform into a Roc. With great joy and cheer, it flies up. Beyond the reach of many other fowls. - The Roc is an enormous bird that is frequently mentioned in legends guan yin lot. 鹍鹏兴变之象。. 凡事有变动大吉。. A partridge is transformed into a Roc. A dramatic change will bring .. Lot 30 - Just Simply Awesome guan yin lot. 第三十签/Lot 30. Beware of a hidden arrow disguised as a flying crane. With venom that brings none but grief guan yin lot. 安份守己之象。. 凡事小心谨防也。 guan yin lot. Be content with your lot, do not be ambitious. You must be careful and take precautions guan yin lot. Keep your mouth shut..